Random Theme

This is a working example of the authorbox. Consult the Sideboxes subsection for further info.

⮤ This is a flavorbox

To create one, copy the following div
and paste it inside your authorbox:

[[div class="flavorbox"]]

whoever gave me the power to edit CSS made a grave mistake

Flopstyle: LITE

Sigma Themes » Flopstyle: LITE


рейтинг: 0.0

Example Formatting

What Is This?

This is a theme created by Пользователь 'Lt Flops' не существует. It is an aesthetic improvement and extension of Sigma-10 (the Wiki's main theme).

Only use this if you understand what you're doing.

This theme is incompatible with Black Highlighter, BASALT, and Sigma+.

Dark Mode Counterpart

Flopstyle: DARK

How to Use

To use this theme, please copy and paste this syntax onto the top of your page:

[[include :scp-wiki:theme:flopstyle]]

If you wish to use this theme with another Sigma theme, paste Flopstyle first and your chosen theme in the next line. Some fine-tuning may be necessary.

Please also note that this theme uses the following components:

  1. Croqstyle CSS, by Пользователь 'Croquembouche' не существует
  2. Fade In (set at speed=1) by Пользователь 'Croquembouche' не существует
  3. Toggle Sidebar, by Пользователь 'EstrellaYoshte' не существует

This theme was designed with the following component(s) in mind…

Centered Header Sigma

To use this component, please paste the following syntax after Flopstyle. If your page uses another custom Sigma theme, please paste the following syntax after the custom theme:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:centered-header-sigma-9]]

You may alter the header, sub-header, header colour, sub-header colour, and header logo as you see fit. Just paste this syntax after the Centered Header include, then style it accordingly:

[[module CSS]]
--header-title: "TITLE";
--header-subtitle: "SUBTITLE";
--titleColor: title_colour;
--subtitleColor: subtitle_colour;
--lgurl: url(URL_HERE);

Flops Header

[[include :scp-wiki:component:flops-header


Adapted from Penumbra Theme by Пользователь 'EstrellaYoshte' не существует.

Sideboxes are built-in components that come in two types:

  1. authorbox
  2. sidebox

Usage instructions vary depending on the type.

  • The authorbox does not display on screens of width=1280px and smaller, which includes mobile screens. It can be set up to display page and author information.
  • The sidebox collapses into the page edge on screens of width=1280px and smaller. On those screens, it can be accessed by tapping your finger or hovering your cursor over it. It can be set up to display additional narrative information.

Please consider these conditions before setting up these items — a large percentage of SCP Wiki users browse via mobile devices.

1. Authorbox

(See Top Left)

By default, the authorbox is opt-out. It comes preloaded on all pages that include Flopstyle: LITE. If you wish to remove it, please replace this:

[[include :scp-wiki:theme:flopstyle]]

With this:

[[div style="display: none;"]]
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:flopstyle]]

Alternative 1: After removing the authorbox, you can replace it with a custom version that displays any information you desire. This functionality can be especially useful for co-authored, rewritten, or translated pages. For your reference, this is the code that creates the authorbox:

[[div class="anchor"]]Sets authorbox's sticky position.
[[div class="authorbox"]]

[[module ListPages name="="]]
||~ %%title%% ||
||= **By:** %%created_by_linked%% ||
||~ Published on %%created_at|%d %b %Y%% ||

|| Optional Flavor Text ||

[[/div]]Sets the end limit of the anchor.

By default, the authorbox makes use of ListPages to automate the metadata displayed. You could theoretically copy the ListPages portion of the authorbox onto any Wiki page, and these fields would populate in a way unique to that page. You may, of course, change any of these fields as desired.

You may also edit your custom authorbox to display flavor text tailored to your page, such as a note to readers.

See the left side of the page for an authorbox example.

flavorbox is the only div you should use inside an authorbox.

Alternative 2: If you want, you can move the authorbox to the right-hand side of the page. To do so, copy this syntax and paste it inside a CSS module at the top of your page:

right: unset;
left: 103.5%;
padding: 0 0 0 1em;

If you have a page that does this, I recommend against inserting any sideboxes in that same page, or it will prove rather messy.

If you are planning on inserting any sidecontainers onto your page, I strongly recommend using the default authorbox. The reason being, when a right-hand authorbox and sidecontainer are used in tandem, they will overlap and become visually messy. This has the potential to be very confusing for readers. So, it's better staying on the safe side.

2. Sidebox

The sidebox is opt-in. It is set up like this:

[[div class="limit"]] Sets the start limit of the anchor.
[[div class="anchor"]] Sets sidebox's sticky position.
[[div class="sidebox"]]
Desired sidebox text here.
Text that the sidebox associates with.
[[/div]] Sets the end limit of the anchor.

I recommend inserting a manual linebreak after sidebox-associated text. You can achieve this by encasing a space with two sets of @@ (one on each side). The sidebox will appear alongside this text as you scroll past.

Remember the limit div. Without a limit, the anchor will remain present across the entire page content once you scroll past its starting position.

Misc. Changeable Portions

If necessary, you can also edit any of these CSS properties to better suit your page. This list does not cover all styles that Flopstyle offers — but it's a good place to start.

Change Info Bar Properties

body{ /* -- Recolour according to Site Theme -- */
--barColour: bar_colour;
display: none;
display: none;

Change Lite-Heading Subtitle Colour

.lite-heading h3{ /* -- Recolour according to Site Theme -- */
color: lite_heading_colour;

Change Card-Block & Sidebox Border-Left Colour

--accentColor: accent_colour;

Change Simple Warning Header Logo

(The image must be transparent)

background-image: url(URL_HERE);
background-size: 400px;

Change Advanced Warning Header Logo

(The image must be transparent)

background-image: url(URL_HERE);

Change Series Navigation Background

background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1), COLOUR_HERE);

Hide Page Title

display: none;

Hide Footnotes Footer

display: none;

Flops' Personal To-Do List (Please Ignore)

  1. Defeat the nefarious forces of Skeuomorphism. [COMPLETED]
  2. Update theme page layout. [COMPLETED]
  3. Finish combing through all my articles for CSS I can add to Flopstyle.
    • “Related Articles” box. [COMPLETED]
    • “Hazard Warning” box.
  4. Finish updating all my articles with Flopstyle.

Source Code

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